A List of …Lists (and Feeds & Starter Packs)

Blog, BlueSky, Social

The algorithm-free aspect of Bluesky is refreshing, but setting up your account can be a little confusing, so I’ve put together a little explainer with some of the top lists/feeds to follow.

When you connect with accounts that share your interests, check their profile for their lists, feeds, and starter pack tabs.

  • Feeds – User-created timelines of posts populated by options drawn from Bluesky, which may include keywords, date ranges, types of posts, and who is posting. Typically focuses on a specific topic or hashtag, or even a user list combined with other criteria.
  • Starter Packs – Up to 50 collected accounts organized/curated by a user, ideally on a unifying theme, with related feeds available as well (don’t neglect toggling over to the feeds tab in a starter pack). You can follow all of the accounts in a single click, or follow any of the accounts individually. A time-saving way to start following people and related feeds!
  • Lists – Collections of accounts created by a user. Following/pinning a list will let you see all of the posts everyone on the list is sharing, in a chronological timeline. Includes replies, where you can see who people are talking to. Focuses on people grouped by similarities (i.e. kidlit agents), and not a single topic (i.e. the agent could be talking about the amazing key lime pie they just had).

Charlene Chua used the analogy that switching between various feeds & lists is like changing a TV channel. You can control the content you see, rather than having an algorithm choose it for you. Some feeds and lists may seem similar, but are slightly different—such as the SCBWI list and feeds I’ve included. Debbie Ridpath Ohi‘s SCBWI feed is pulled from her curated list of identified SCBWI members/staff/faculty, while my SCBWI feed pulls the keyword/hashtag from anyone using it. Both are useful depending on what you want to see!

A great place to start and see current conversations and active users! This is a comprehensive feed that scans for kidlit-related posts from many lists of users actively moderated by multiple members of the Bluesky kidlit community. Filters out replies, and uses various keywords and hashtags to keep on topic. Some of the lists below are tied into this huge feed. More info—and to check to see if you are already eligible to appear in the feed—can be found here.

Admins:  Debbie Ridpath OhiBrian KirbyCharlene Chua.

An expansive 1,600+ user list with any and all kidlit-related accounts, illustrators, authors, agents, art directors, publishers, librarians, boosters, bloggers, etc.—where you see what everyone on the list is posting chronologically, no matter what the topic. Like a big cocktail party with thousands of guests. If you have any kidlit interests and want to be part of the Mega Feed, ask to me be added to this list. If activity on BlueSky seems quiet, checking in on this list of unfiltered posts is good way to see current activity and connect with people.

Admin: Brian Kirby

Collects posts tagged #KidLitArt. Like following the hashtag. Mostly used by illustrators of children’s books & children’s illustration, and for the monthly #kidlitart chat on Thursdays. A fantastic way to check out the great art users are posting.

Admin: Charlene Chua

Follow this to see all posts from illustrators who have an interest in creating art for children’s and young adult books, and comics/graphic novels.

Admin: Charlene Chua

Posts from illustrators who work on published (or publishing soon) children’s books – boardbooks, picturebooks, chapterbooks, middle grade, young adult, comics, etc.

Admin: Charlene Chua

A starter pack to easily follow #KidLit/children’s illustrators who are actively posting on Bluesky. Includes Feeds for kidlit & #KidLitArt as well!

Admin: Charlene Chua

A list of agents and agencies who represent kidlit/YA creators. Don’t harass anyone by querying/pitching via Bluesky unless they have asked! A great, growing list to follow.

Admin:  Debbie Ridpath Ohi

A starter pack to easily follow agents and agencies who represent kidlit/YA creators. Just hit “follow all” Don’t harass anyone by querying/pitching via Bluesky unless they have asked!

Admin:  Debbie Ridpath Ohi

A more specific starter pack to quickly follow all of ABLA’s agents that are on Bluesky! They have a handy list of their agents as well. A great way to help people connect with the whole agency presence!

Admin:  ABLA

Collected list of SCBWI members, staff, and conference faculty. You can find more info about the Society Of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators: www.scbwi.org.

Admin:  Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Searches only Debbie Ohi’s SCBWI list for #scbwi hashtags as well as others related to kidlit or YAlit.

Admin:  Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Searches for any posts that have SCBWI hashtags and keywords, from any user.

Admin: Brian Kirby

A starter pack to easily follow #KidLit / children’s authors who are posting on Bluesky. The 50-account limit woefully underrepresents the volume of authors on the platform, but the included feeds are a great way to encounter and follower more authors.

Admin: Brian Kirby

All posts from a collection of published and pre-published middle grade writers.

Admin: Jaymie Heilman

All posts from a collection of writers (published and pre-published) working on YA contemporary and/or YA romance/rom-coms.

.Admin: Jaymie Heilman

A feed showcasing kidlit & YA book recommendations with NO self-promo, drawn from a curated list of users who use 📚👍 emojis to post to the feed.

Admin:  Debbie Ridpath Ohi

A collection of KidLit & YA editors who work with traditional publishing houses. Please do NOT pitch or query directly via Bluesky unless they specifically ask.

Admin:  Debbie Ridpath Ohi

All posts from a collection of K-12 Educators & Librarians. Also check the #Edusky & #Skybrarian hashtags!

Admin:  Debbie Ridpath Ohi

All posts from a collection of creators (writers, artists, colorists, editors, etc) who’ve worked on published (or publishing soon) comic books, series, and graphic novels aimed at MG and YA audiences.

Admin: Diana Sousa

A Starter Pack of folks who moderate & frequent #kidlitchat Tuesdays at 9pm eastern.
Follow the hashtag to join the chat!

Admin: Brian Kirby

Follows the #kidlitartpostcard hashtag to chronologically show posts to Gina Perry‘s wonderful monthly event (typically the 1st Thursday of the month, except for holiday delays) where illustrators post their art and information.

Admin: Kellie Nicely

Also – make your own lists, feeds and starter packs! The best part of Bluesky is having control over what your own timeline looks like. Take advantage. Debbie Ridpath Ohi has a wealth of information on her website, and all of the admins I’ve shown above have more lists, feeds and starter packs than the ones I’ve listed, all easily found on their Bluesky profile.

Find the ones that work for you, or make your own!

Also of interest:

The DISCOVER feed is administrated by Bluesky, and shows trending content from your personal network. You can click the ellipsis button at the bottom right of each post in the feed where it gives you the option to show more posts like that one, or less. It is like a curated social media algorithm, but you have more control.
Admin: @bsky.app

If you know anyone still on X that is wary of transitioning to Bluesky, share these tools to help them migrate! And show them why they should.


Blog, BlueSky, Social
Kidlit mega feed by Debbie Ohi

The amazing Debbie Ridpath Ohi and Charlene Chua teamed up with me to pool our resources, creating a way of connecting quickly and easily with the kidlit community on the BlueSky social media platform:


…pulls in kidlit content from moderated lists compiled by multiple members of the community!

 Find out more info and how to post to the feed here.

One easy way to join in is to get onto my KIDLIT COMMUNITY list. This is one of the moderated lists that the Mega Feed pulls from. I’ve been adding users to this list steadily over the past year, and it is very inclusive. Ask me to add you if you don’t see yourself in the feed: @boringstorybook.com

but check to see if you are already eligible to appear in the Mega Feed HERE first.

This feed should truly help anyone who is looking to connect with other people in kidlit, including creatives, publishers, agents, agencies, boosters, chat/event moderators, SCBWI groups, librarians, educators, art directors, picturebook, publishing news, YA, MG, GN, etc. etc.

Bluesky does not have an algorithm that chooses content to show users, it allows users to choose the content they want to see. Our project pools several vetted lists from multiple moderators into one comprehensive feed, and also scans for a variety of kidlit-related keywords and hashtags in the posts to keep on topic and filter out unrelated content (i.e. no “I have a toe infection,” “My cat smells,” “I just really got into crypto” type posts). There are also NO REPLIES in the Mega Feed, although you can click on the individual posts to see responses if you would like, or visit the moderators’ original lists, which I recommend following as well.

The Mega Feed is like an algorithm run by discerning humans, serving curated #kidlit content! It’s intended to be a gateway to connect and join conversations, especially useful for new users to onboard quickly. We hope it brings back the days of actual engagement between humans, and gives everyone an alternative to posting into a void.

Explaining Lists vs. Feeds

Everyone on Bluesky can create LISTS of users, i.e. my list of anyone w/ kidlit interests, or
Charlene’s illustrator lists (which also connect into the Mega Feed). Following a list means following EVERYTHING that all of the people on that list share. You can even make your own list and submit it to be considered for inclusion to the Mega Kidlit Feed.

Feeds can be built with lists or a host of criteria, such as a keyword, hashtag, emoji—they can be tailored more specifically to a topic, or combination of lists and topics. Like Debbie Ohi’s book bans feed. A great way to build a feed is via BlueSkyFeedCreator.com—their developer has been very helpful in getting this project going. Try and build your own feed!

Our new MEGA FEED combines multiple moderated lists of users (from a growing number of contributors) into one comprehensive feed and ALSO curates further by using specific hashtags & keywords while filtering out replies! There is no single person controlling the content, we have many lists, with more added all the time. Pooling multiple kidlit list moderators that serve a variety of kidlit interests should result in feed that provides a much easier way to jump in and take part.

There are a lot of people helping the community there, Gina Perry has made BlueSky and Cara the #kidlitartpostcard platforms; Brian LaRossa of Scholastic is extremely engaging and has been gifting portfolio reviews and doing AMAs exclusive to BlueSky; Jennifer Laughran seems to be dragging all of Andrea Brown Literary Agency over on her back—the agency has left Instagram and is establishing itself on BlueSky; Charlene hosts the #kidlitart chat; Bonnie Adamson and Greg Pincus host #kidlitchat

One last thing – share the feed with any holdouts you know on other social platforms. And remember, this is a work-in-progress effort, and many people are volunteering their time to benefit as many in the community as possible. Please interact patiently and kindly, as there are sure to be hiccups along the way. And a word of advice – be yourself and try to connect with people on BlueSky, rather than just promoting. You will have more success in finding people to support you.

Debbie Ohi, Charlene Chua, Brian Kirby
Screen caps of our planning sessions by Debbie Ohi

More about Kidlit on BlueSky

About BlueSky Mute Lists

Debbie’s BlueSky Tips